GST Calculator

GST Calculator

GST Calculator

Amount Including GST:

IGST Amount:

CGST Amount:


User Guide for GST Calculator


The GST (Goods and Services Tax) Calculator is a handy tool for calculating GST amounts and related values. This guide will walk you through how to use the calculator effectively.

Calculator Features

The GST Calculator provides the following features:

  1. Amount Excluding GST: Enter the amount that does not include GST.
  2. GST Rate: You can either enter the GST rate as a percentage manually or select a rate from the dropdown menu. You can also leave this field blank to use the selected rate from the dropdown.
  3. Calculate GST: Click this button to perform the calculation.
  4. Results: The calculator displays the following results after calculation:
    • Amount Including GST
    • IGST Amount
    • CGST Amount
    • SGST/UTGST Amount

How to Use the Calculator

Follow these steps to use the GST Calculator:

  1. Enter the Amount Excluding GST: In the “Amount Excluding GST” field, input the amount to which you want to apply the GST.
  2. Select or Enter the GST Rate: You can either select a GST rate from the dropdown menu or manually enter the rate as a percentage. If you manually enter the rate, you can override the selected rate from the dropdown. Leaving the rate field blank will use the dropdown-selected rate.
  3. Click “Calculate GST”: After you’ve entered the amount and, if necessary, the GST rate, click the “Calculate GST” button to perform the calculation.
  4. View Results: The calculator will display the calculated results, including the “Amount Including GST,” “IGST Amount,” “CGST Amount,” and “SGST/UTGST Amount.”

Example Calculation

Let’s go through a quick example to illustrate how the calculator works:

  • Amount Excluding GST: Enter the amount, e.g., 1000.00
  • GST Rate: Select a rate from the dropdown, e.g., 18%
  • Click “Calculate GST”: The calculator will display the calculated values, such as “Amount Including GST,” “IGST Amount,” “CGST Amount,” and “SGST/UTGST Amount.”


  • If you manually enter a GST rate, it will override the selected rate from the dropdown.
  • The calculator will display the results in Indian Rupees (Rs.).


The GST Calculator simplifies the process of calculating GST and related values. Whether you’re a business owner, accountant, or anyone dealing with GST calculations, this tool can be a valuable asset in your financial toolkit.

We hope this user guide helps you effectively use the GST Calculator for your calculations. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us