PPF Calculator


Total Invested Amount: ₹ 0.00

Total Interest: ₹ 0.00

Maturity Value: ₹ 0.00

What is Public Provident Fund (PPF)

The Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a government regulated long-term investment option that allows individuals to prepare retirement funds while enjoying tax benefits. Here's a summary of the key aspects of PPF.

1. Why PPF is important ? :

  • PPF is considered a secure investment choice for risk-averse individuals, offering stability and tax benefits. PPF can be part of portfolio of various financial personalities though.

2. PPF rates and fundamental rules:

Interest Rate: Currently, the interest rate is 7.1% per annum, is subjected to change in future.

Minimum Investment: Rs. 500 per year.

Maximum Investment: Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

Tenure: 15 years, extendable in blocks of 5 years.

Tax Benefit: Investments up to Rs. 1.5 lakh are deductible under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

3. Features of PPF Account:

Flexible Tenure: Extendable in blocks of 5 years.

Investment Limits: Invest a minimum of Rs. 500 and a maximum of Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

Opening Balance: You can start with just Rs. 100 per month.

Deposit Frequency: Deposits must be made at least once a year for 15 years.

Mode of Deposit: Cash, cheque, demand draft (DD), or online fund transfer.

Nomination: Designate a nominee.

Joint Accounts: Only one individual can hold a PPF account.

Risk Factor: Backed by the Indian government, offering risk-free returns.

Tax Benefit: PPF interest and maturity amount are tax-free under Section 80C.

Partial Withdrawal: Allowed from the seventh year onwards.

4. Interest Rate on PPF:

The current interest rate is 7.1% per annum, compounded annually.

5. How PPF Works:

Account can be opened for self or a minor.

Tenure is 15 years with the option to extend.

Deposits range from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

Interest is compounded annually.

Loan facility is available.

Partial and premature withdrawals are permitted.

6. Eligibility to Open PPF Account:

Any Indian citizen can invest in PPF.

One citizen can have only one PPF account unless the second account is in the name of a minor.

7. How to Open a PPF Account:

Can be opened at a Post Office or participating banks.

Submit necessary documents and complete the application process.

Online PPF account opening is available with some banks.

8. Loan against PPF:

Loans can be taken between the 3rd and 6th year of account opening.

Maximum loan amount is 25% of the total available amount.

A second loan can be taken before the 6th year if the first is repaid fully.

9. PPF Amount Withdrawal:

Full withdrawal is allowed upon maturity (after 15 years).

Partial withdrawals are permitted from the 7th year.

Special circumstances allow early withdrawals.

10. Tax Benefits:

PPF falls under the Exempt-Exempt-Exempt (EEE) category.

Deposits under Section 80C are tax-deductible.

Accumulated amount and interest are exempt from tax upon withdrawal.

11. Limitations:

Long lock-in period of 15 years.

Moderate interest rates.

Maximum annual investment limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh.

NRIs cannot open new PPF accounts.

No joint account holding.

12. PPF vs. Mutual Funds:

PPF offers guaranteed returns but lower compared to mutual funds.

Mutual funds offer higher returns with some risk.

13. PPF vs. Fixed Deposits (FDs):

PPF has a fixed 15-year tenure, while FDs offer flexibility.

FDs are subject to taxation, while PPF returns are tax-free.

14. PPF vs. LIC (Life Insurance Corporation):

It's advisable to have term insurance for protection and invest in PPF for savings.

Combining insurance and investment is a cost-effective approach.

15. Closing a PPF Account:

PPF account can be closed after 5 years.

Premature closure is allowed in certain cases.

16. Transfer of PPF Account:

You can transfer your PPF account to another branch or switch between banks and post offices.

17. Participating Banks Offering PPF Account:

  • Various nationalized and private banks offer PPF accounts.

18. Linking Aadhaar with PPF Account:

Link your Aadhaar to your PPF account through internet banking.

19. Activating an Inactive PPF Account:

Reactivate an inactive PPF account by paying the missed subscription amount and penalties.

20. PPF Account for Minors:

Parents can open PPF accounts for minors, providing long-term savings for their future.

21. Best Time to Start a PPF Investment:

Open a PPF account as early as possible for maximum benefits.

22. Withdrawal from Inactive PPF Account:

You can withdraw from an inactive PPF

PPF Calculator Guide

The path to effective wealth management begins with smart savings strategies. While numerous savings account options exist, finding those that offer substantial returns without risk can be a challenge. Public Provident Fund (PPF) accounts are a common choice for savvy investors. In this guide, we'll explore how to make the most of your PPF investments using a PPF calculator.

Who Benefits from PPF Accounts?
PPF accounts, short for Public Provident Fund accounts, are a valuable option for individuals at various stages of life. Whether you're a new employee looking to secure your financial future or a responsible parent planning for your child's education, PPF accounts can be an ideal choice. However, calculating PPF interest and returns can be complex. This is where a PPF calculator comes to your rescue.

The Formula Behind PPF Calculation:
To compute the deposited amount, interest, and more, a specific formula is used. Here's the formula explained:

F = P [({(1+i)^n}-1)/i]

This formula involves critical variables:

F: Maturity amount of the PPF

P: Annual installment amount

i: Rate of interest

n: Total number of years

Example Calculation:
Let's illustrate how the formula works with an example. Suppose you invest Rs. 1,50,000 annually in your PPF account for 15 years at an interest rate of 7.1%. Using the formula, your maturity sum at the end of the 15th year would be Rs. 40,68,209.

Advantages of Using PPF Calculators:
Utilizing online PPF calculators offers several benefits:

Accurate Interest Projections: Gain insights into the interest you can earn with your investment.

Tax Savings: Avoid hefty tax payments with precise calculations.

Maturity Planning: Make informed decisions about the maturity period of your investment.Financial Year Insights: Get an estimate of your total investment in a financial year.

How to Use a PPF Calculator:
Leveraging this powerful tool is straightforward:

  1. Input Relevant Details: Fill in your tenure, total invested amount, interest earned, and investment frequency (monthly or yearly).
  2. Receive Instant Results: The calculator swiftly provides your total maturity amount.

By understanding and utilizing a PPF calculator, you can make well-informed decisions about your financial future. Ensure accurate results by providing essential details like deposited amounts and deposit type (fixed or variable).
In your journey towards financial security, PPF accounts, coupled with PPF calculators, can be indispensable tools. They empower you to plan, invest, and achieve your wealth management goals effectively. Harness the power of these resources to secure your financial future.